2015 Presentation Dinner 4-Dec-2015 First « Prev Page 3 of 4 Next » Last Gallery Index
Bill Fleming Youth Championship Award - Andrew Coon (accepted by father Daryl) Bill Fleming Youth Championship Award - Andrew Coon (accepted by father Daryl) Junior Champion - Jack Poloso
June Stratford Outright Ladies Champion - Jan Rattray MG Racing Outright trophy - Glen Wood (accepted by Phil Chester) Outright Club Champion - Third - Paul Slawinski Outright Club Champion - Second - Graeme Adams
Outright Club Champion - First - Ric Collett Outright Club Champion - First - Ric Collett Outright Club Champion - First - Ric Collett
Best dressed Lady - Joanne Smith (as Audrey Hepburn) Best dressed guy - Ric Collett (as The Great Leslie) Best dressed couple - Noel and Marjorie Halford (as Bert, and Mary Poppins)